We have been enjoying our fun Christmas present, the Wii. Ok, I am obviously a little behind times but this has got to be the funnest thing I have ever played. I could seriously spend a long time on this video game and time just eats awway. Super fun. It is a nice alternative to game night with the family. We all love bowling. We recently got the biggest loser.......awesomely fun! The boys prefer the MarioCart game. It is all good stuff.
There are some more pictures of New Years Eve. Happy 2010. We are blessed with some great neighbors who love fireworks as much as we do. We talked alot this year about new year resolutions. The kids set some goals. It is such a blessing to watch them grow and make goals for themselves and work hard with our reminders to keep their goals.
Here are a couple of pics from Christmas. The kids got a trampoline. I caved in. I am the mom that is constantly against trampolines. I usually don't even let my kids jump on one at friends houses. I broke my arm on one when I was in 3rd grade and I swore my children would never get one. So.....here we are and I have abviously changed my thinking. I still am very nervous about it and if anyone gets hurt on it the trampoline will be gone. But for now it seems to be safe and the kids love it. Myslef included. Christmas day big Danny thought he would show off a little and he amlost paralyzed himself so he is banned from it. But the kids are following the rules and they truely love it.
Addyson had her Little Gym performance. She absolutely LOVES Little Gym. She is growing more comfortable at trying the challenging things in the gym. I am real proud of her growing confidence. It is a sweet thing to watch her take risks and become so proud of herself.
My big boy is sitting up and getting a tooth. I can't believe how big he is growing. I just want to stop time. I feel so blessed that he is here. He is so precious and our entire family just melts over him. Everyone loves baby Colton. We are so blessed!
This teething thing has not been fun for him. Colton wants to nurse all night long for comfort because his mouth hurts so bad. One tooth has come in and the other is on its way. We all felt a little sad when we realized he was about to get a tooth. No more gummy smiles. But he is looking more precious than ever with a little white tooth poking through. Can't help but love him!
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