Caleb is 6 years old! I can't believe how fast time goes. He was thrilled about having a birthday and turning 6 until he realized that he has to say good bye to being 5. This made him very upset because he likes the number 5. He is so funny. Caleb opted for no party this year. Instead he wants to go out of town to a hotel and going swimming in an indoor swimming pool. So, we are going to be going to Austin this weekend and visting the Natural Bridge Caverns. Everyone is super excited about going. It will be a great celebration. God has truely blessed us with such a sweet spirited little guy. When Caleb was born it was a scary time. He was so sick and couldn't breathe on his own. I will never forget being wheeled to the NICU to see him for the first time. He was so frail looking and hooked to a dozen machines breathing for him. I never knew my arms could actually ache to hold my baby. The nurses told us not to touch him too much due to overstimluation. That was so difficult. The first time I held him the poor little guy was almost 3 weeks old. He had IV's coming out of his head but I didn't care, it just felt so good to be able to hold my baby in my arms. Sweet memory. I just remember praying so hard for God to heal him and help him make it through such a rough start to his life. God heard my cry and answered my prayer and I am so blessed that he is here and healthy. Every birthday he has I reflect on that moment in the NICU and the entire 4 weeks he was in the hospital. I know it was God that pulled me through and gave me the energy and faith to keep me going. Caleb Matthew was given a chance at life despite being so sick. God has great plans for his life and I love being a part of watching him grow and learn. What a special day we have to celebrate. Happy Birthday Caleb! We love you so much and are so proud of the young boy you are becoming!
In the Caverns the humidity is 98%.......not so good on the hair! This is a pic of my sister. Her hair is typically flat and staight.
In the Cavern
waiting to go into the caverns
swimming in the hotels "heated" pool
after we toured the caverns the kids each got a hard hat with a light. Now we are really ready for some cave explorations!
Caleb soaking it in in the caverns
God's beauty
Caleb and his spongbob cake
packing up in the hotel