Well, Colton must have read his eviction notice early. I was scheduled to be induced the 23rd at 7am but Colton decided to make his appearance ealry and came on July 18. I went into labor at 3:30am and by 5:30 my contractions were 5 minutes apart. My neighbor and sweet friend took the kids at 6:30 in the morning so we could get to the hospital. My labor progressed smoothly and was wonderful (along with my epidural) and by 2:14 my sweet sweet baby was born. He is perfect and although he was my biggest baby he seems soo small. He weighed 7lbs 11oz. Chubba Chubba. Just in case you are wondering how he measures up to the other kiddos....Danny weighed 5lbs 0oz, Caleb weighed 6lbs 7oz, and Addyson weighed 5lbs 6oz. SO, my little Colton was not so little. Oh but he is so precious. I had such a big gap between Addyson and Colton that Colton feels like my first baby again. He is healthy and beautiful and I am so excited that he is here. I just stare at him and grow more in love with him everyday.
My mom stayed with the kids while we were at the hospital and I know she was exhausted after she left. I was so thankful to have her here and know my kids were having a great time. She brought the kids to the hospital and they were thrilled to see and meet Colton. Finally a face to the name. Caleb let me know that my stomach was not any smaller like I said it would be after the baby came out......so cruel. They are all sweet with Colton but of course Addy being a girl has taken to trying to mother him. It is sweet.
Danny's family came and saw Colton and it was fun being able to share him with them. They were sweet enough to bring us food and baby "goodies". Everybody loves babies!!
I am thankful that everything turned out so great with our baby Colton. Danny has been wonderful through this entire process and I could not have asked for a better husband and father during all this. He has such wonderful ways and has stepped in and done everything I have needed him to do without my even asking for help. I know that Colton came at just the right time and I am thankful for him and for my entire family.
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