The Cimmi's

The Cimmi's

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Serparation

Well, this weekend was a big weeeknd in the home of the Cimerhanzel's. It was a very bitter sweet weekend. Caleb and Danny have shared a room since infancy but this past week Caleb decided he wanted to venture out on his own. He let me know he was ready for his own room. The reasoning behind this.....becuase danny snores and it keeps him up at night. While I thought that was a very funny response, I can't blame him. Danny is a tough kiddo to sleep with and I am reminded of this on bad dream nights. So, Friday big Danny started working on the split up. Little Danny was not happy at all about this descision so that was hard. Big Danny finished late Friday night and each kid went to their own room for bedtime.... for the first time. The boys gave each other a hug goodnight.....for the first time. It was sad. Caleb happily hopped into his bed in his new room and seriously was asleep in less than 5 minutes. He was thrilled and slept with a smile on his face. Danny, on the other hand, was not so happy. As I walked out of his room after kissing him goodnight, I could hear him quietly sobbing. I quickly turned back around and consoled him reminding him of all the awesome things that comes with having your own room all to yourself. He was not convinced. He continued to cry for a while then seemed a little better. It was sad. No one likes to see their kiddo sad. It was sweet though, he just wanted his brother. It was a nice reminder to me of how much he loves his brother, they have a sweet relationship and always have. I pray that continues. Don't worry his tears quickly faded! By the next day he was already telling Caleb that he was not allowed on his bed. Proof that he is still the big brother.

1 comment:

  1. Haha that is so sweet but sad lol... I miss yall.. Hope everything is going good. I love yall :)
