This week our school started having back to school activities. I can't believe that school time is here already. It makes me so sad and excited for the boys. danny is a big first grader this year and Caleb is a kindergartener. Two kids in school is a bit overwhelming. I pray that they have been placed in classrooms that will be the best fit for each of them and that they have a safe schol year. One tradition that I started last year is praying with the kids before they get out of the car. I tried to enter the car pool line early so that we could sit in the car and have prayer time about the day and for the kids safety throughout the day and of course that the Lord would surround Danny and Caleb with kids that have kind words. I will continue that. The Lord answered my prayers daily and brought our family back together safely at the end of every day. Danny and Caleb have such sweet hearts. They are crazy boys in alot of ways but when you peel back the "boy" side of them you see the wonderful ways that they are made with their sweet spirits. I hope that shines through at school. I am lucky to be their mom. I don't always have all the answers to be the perfect parent that I would love to be, but I love both of them so much and I pray that they remember that when they are away at school. Sorry so sentimental......I just had a baby and both my big boys are going to school.....that's not good for the hormones.
We are all looking forward to a great and fun school year.